Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Fight Against the Ku Klux Klan

  “Defying the Ku Klux Klan”- Although this is a very difficult topic to discuss for most people due to the sensitivity of this topic, I enjoy challenging myself. Racism is something that Americans still deal with today as a society. Such topics often get swept under the rug because it’s not as publicized as it was compared to the mid 1900’s. Before reading this chapter I had no idea that Journalism played such a vital role in the desistance of the Ku Klux Klan. William Simmons leading the Klan for over a decade sparked a political and social imbalance, which Journalism captured every step of the way. To most people the Klan were seen as nothing other than pure evil. But quite the contrary, to the members it offered them a sense of brotherhood, a unit to belong to, a second family. People have a hard time adapting to change, especially social change and for the Klan this was their way to fight against it. By the 1920’s the Klan was becoming a force to be reckoned with, by electing their own for political positions in both the governorship and legislator.   -Rodger Streitmatter Ch7 " Mightier Than The Sword"
The fourth estate played a significant role in either supporting the Klan, Staying neutral, or trying to destroy them. New York World, Commercial Appeal, and Montgomery Advertiser were some of the newspapers that were anti Klan. They used every effort they had to turn people against them in
 -Example of what the New York World 1921 original copy would look like- Taken from 
hopes of getting this group to relinquish. Although these Newspapers won Pulitzer Prizes it wasn’t enough to stop the Klan, which was growing more in numbers daily. These papers took deep measures to expose the Klan as a finical scam. New York World reported on the Klan day after day for weeks trying to convince people to oppose their movement. With all the free promotion that New York World was giving the Klan, they soon would pay the price. They gave the Klan their first national publicity unintentionally of course. It sparked a boost in the Klan’s numbers and actually convinced more people to join. Its efforts to destroy the Klan actually increased the growth.  -Rodger Streitmatter Ch7 " Mightier Than The Sword" 

Commercial Appeal Building

The Commercial Appeal in Memphis criticized the Klan with it’s 10,000 plus members.  This paper took a different route and hopes of humiliating that Klan’s image. Commercial Appeal used comical cartoons to expose that Klan. Mayor Rowlett Paine turned down the appeal to join the Klan. This then caused the two to go head to head. The Klan then elected W. Joe Wood instead. After weeks and months of intimidating meetings from the Klan party, tension continued to build. When Election Day finally came, Klan members demanded that the ballots be counted for everyone to see in public. In the end the Klan was defeated with the Reelection of Paine with 60%. The Commercial Appeal was praised due to their supporting role of keeping Paine in office. -Rodger Streitmatter Ch7 " Mightier Than The Sword"

  The Montgomery Advertiser was glorified for its tremendous courage to get mask and disguised outlawed in Alabama. They assumed that without the disguise less people were likely to participate in flogging. Grover Cleveland Hall reported that the flogging and the non-efforts to stop it, was destroying the states reputation. Hall soon got his wish when, robes and mask got outlawed. Mask floggers could no longer hide behind a disguise, and would now be tried, as felons if a crime were committed. And though things were looking up for Hall they soon turned around for the worst. A muzzling bill was passed for any newspaper that printed false and damaging data that depicted the state in a demeaning light. Hall argued that this bill would kill freedom of press, which would violate the first amendment. The bill failed to pass with 48 pro and 48 opposed to it. -Rodger Streitmatter Ch7 " Mightier Than The Sword"

Does rasism still against? To what extent? You decide? :What would you do?
Videos from Abc News. Youtube "What would you do"
Making a connection:
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 means a great deal to me because it sparked a huge change in American society.  No longer should people be judge by the color of their skin or the religion they practice, but for the person they are on the inside. This world is full of people from all types of ethnic backgrounds and it’s important that we as people don’t judge them for it. No one asked to be born Black, White, Chinese, Hispanic etc.; it’s not up to a person to decide what race they are. As a society we have to be more open minded and accepting of change and of people who aren’t the same as us. Were all human we all bleed, and when it’s all said and done will all decease. The Civil Rights Act was the start of change in America. It made most individuals more willing to except others for who they are and not see color when they judge a person, but judge them by their principles. Although racism is still very much alive in America, this act alone sparked the beginning of an ongoing change that we continue to see today.

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